- Cryoablation
- Disograms w Provocative Discography
- Epidural Steroid Injections
- Facet Blocks
- Joint Injections
- Narcotic Maintenance
- Nerve Blocks
- Nucleoplasty
- Occipital Nerve Blocks
- Pain Medicine Management
- Percutaneous Disectomy
- Physical Therapy
- Radiofrequency Ablation
- Sacroiliac Joint Injection
- Spinal Cord Pump – Mgmt
- Spinal Cord Stimulators
- Steroid Injections
- Sympathetic Block
- Transforaminal Nerve Blocks
- Trigger Point Injections

Back Treatment – Brochures
Facet Joint Injections
Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection
Lumbar Sympathetic Block
Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection
Medial Branch Block
Radiofrequency Neurotomy of the Lumbar Facets
Sacroiliac Joint Steroid Injection
Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant (Trial Procedure)
Stellate Ganglion Block
Neck Treatment – Brochures
Cervical Radiculopathy
Joint Treatment – Brochures
Bursitis of the Hip (Trochanteric Bursitis)
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Lumbar Radiculopathy (Sciatica)
Peripheral Neuropathy
Piriformis Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Headache & Migraine Treatment – Brochures
Downloads - Chronic Migraine
Chronic Migraine Patient Brochure
Downloads - BOTOX® for Migraine
Back Treatment – Videos
Facet Joint Injections
Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection
Lumbar Sympathetic Block
Medial Branch Block
Radiofrequency Neurotomy of the Lumbar Facets
Sacroiliac Joint Steroid Injection
Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant (Trial Procedure)
Stellate Ganglion Block
Boston Scientific: Precision Spectra™ Spinal Cord Stimulator System
The Boston Scientific Precision Spectra™ Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) System provides more pain relief to a broader spectrum of patients – watch the 26 second video below for an overview on how SCS works:
Additional SCS Information direct from the Boston Scientific website:
SCS - Real Patient Stories
The Boston Scientific SCS system works to interrupt pain impulses before they reach the brain to help patients manage their pain • Some patients say SCS feels like a gentle fluttering sensation that replaces the pain • The term some would choose is “relief”
Scroll through the window frame below to Watch the 10 Patient Testimonial Videos – hear directly from Real Boston Scientific Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) Patients:
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Neck Treatment – Videos
Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection
Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy
Joint Treatment – Videos
Fluoroscopic Guided Hip Injection
Genicular Nerve Ablation (RF Neurotomy)
Genicular Nerve Block (G Block)
HYALGAN® Injection for Knee Pain (Fluoroscopic Guided)
Intracapsular (Glenoid) Injection
Joint Injection (Therapeutic, Shoulder)
Sacroiliac Joint Steroid Injection
Subacromial Injection
Trigger Point Injections
Tension Headache Treatment – Video
Video - Nerve Block for Tension Headache
A Sympathetic Block is an injection that numbs branches of nerves which can reduce Tension Headache.
Link to Dedicated Migraine Page