A Steroid Injection Worked For Me
♦ I am a 62 year old man who has been afflicted with severe lower back pain for many years. I have had surgeries, injections, physical therapy, as a patient of neurosurgeons and a pain specialist in Chicago’s North Shore area. I was in such pain that I had practically given up, until I was referred to Dr. Kondelis.
♦ I phoned him and was seen immediately. He reviewed my MRI and assessed my overall situation, recommending a Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection treatment. It has now been completed and I am hopeful that my pain level will be significantly reduced. What I gained was the confidence of dealing with a loving, caring, kind an sensitive physician.
♦ Diane and all office staff I met are outstanding, accessible, professional and display a unique human dimension. They are patient, kind, and caring. I am now in great hands, and would recommend this firm to anyone. The physicians have the latest training, and the firm knows the most current state of the art cutting edge solutions to resolving pain.