COVID-19 Links
APC is providing the following information from the CDC and other resources regarding the Coronavirus and COVID-19. We are making these links available to provide you with the most current and relevant information. How It Spreads Symptoms Prevention and Treatment Reducing Stigma Key Facts from the CDC Prevention Spanish Resources
Managing Emotional Stress during the Pandemic
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people, and especially those older than 60. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include: Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones.Changes in sleep or eating patterns.Difficulty sleeping or concentrating.Worsening of chronic health problems.Worsening of depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions.Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. Why some people are more stressed than others about COVID How you respond to the outbreak…
Is the Coronavirus Airborne? Experts Can’t Agree.
The World Health Organization says the evidence is not compelling, but scientists warn that gathering sufficient data could take years and cost lives. Since early reports revealed that a new coronavirus was spreading rapidly between people, researchers have been trying to pin down whether it can travel through the air. Health officials say the virus is transported only through droplets that are coughed or sneezed out — either directly, or on objects. But some scientists say there is preliminary evidence that airborne transmission — in which the disease spreads in the much smaller particles from exhaled air, known as aerosols…
Stay Safe
Here is an informative video with grocery shopping tips during the spread of COVID-19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjDuwc9KBps
On the Lighter Side…
Un-baaaaa-lievable: Goats invade locked-down Welsh town LONDON (AP) — Un-baaaaa-lievable: This wild bunch is completely ignoring rules on social distancing. With humans sheltering indoors to escape the new coronavirus, mountain goats are taking advantage of the peace and space to roam in frisky clumps through the streets of Llandudno, a town in North Wales. Andrew Stuart, a video producer for the Manchester Evening News, has been posting videos of the furry adventurers on his Twitter feed and they are racking up hundreds of thousands of views. He said the goats normally keep largely to themselves, in a country park that…
Can I Get Reinfected with COVID–19?
In Wuhan China there have been a handful of cases reported including healthcare workers and a physician who tested positive, were sick and then had a negative test only to later be tested again and have a positive test. It has not been determined whether testing was faulty or this represents reinfection. Most infectious disease experts feel that reinfection is not possible. Ref: Lancet Viral dynamics in mild and severe cases of COVID-19, March 19, 2020 (20) 30232-2
Will COVID-19 Stop Spreading?
After the quarantine/isolation/stay-at-home orders stop, will the disease stop spreading? Absolutely not. There will be second waves of the disease even in countries that have effectively suppressed the first round. Two of these countries are Taiwan and Singapore who have experienced previous outbreaks from China, including SARS. They effectively quarantined sick people, isolated and ordered stay-at-home. They shuttered their economies used tracing methods and systematic tracking techniques. These have worked effectively but the virus is still in the general population particularly in asymptomatic infected people. They will spread the disease and symptomatic cases will occur again. This is going to…
Asymptomatic Infection
In various opinions by epidemiology experts the real number of infections is likely 7-8 times as large. In a way this is good news, the disease is not as devastating or deadly as the numbers show. In other words, for eight people who get the infection, seven of them have sub-clinical or mild symptoms and may not be aware that they are sick and only one of these people shows overt disease. At Oxford, a theoretical epidemiologist has questioned the "Imperial model" of this virus. If this is correct and data from multiple sources support it is likely that the…
Are the Number of Cases Reported Accurate?
NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT! I know of patients who are unable to be tested yet clearly had symptoms consistent with moderate infection. Since they were not sick enough to be admitted to the hospital, IDPH, Illinois Department of Health does not test. Estimates on asymptomatic, covert disease range from 31 to 60%. APC Bottom line: Everybody around you is a potential source of COVID–19. We worry about being around those who are sick or show signs of illness. The reality is three quarters of people who have the COVID–19 disease do not show any symptoms. Treat everybody as a potential infectious…
John Hopkins Coronavirus Center
Among the most complete sites for information about spread of the Coronavirus (COVID -19) is the John Hopkins website. There is a map tracking COVID-19 cases around the world and it is excellent. See it at: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
April 4, 2020: COVID-19 Update
We remain open to care for you Our office is open and we continue to care for patients while adhering to the guidelines from the CDC, IDPH and other authorities regarding COVID–19 in this fluid and ever-changing environment. Our office, like all other medical practices, is considered an essential operation, and we will continue to make sure our patients pain management needs are a priority. What we are doing to help you: Our office remains open nearly every day of the week and we continue to respond to all patient phone calls, appointments and procedure needs in our office setting…
April 2, 2020: COVID–19 Update
At Advanced Pain Consultants, your health and safety are our top priorities. As your healthcare partner, we understand the concern you may feel about COVID-19. We are carefully following all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) recommendations and guidelines to ensure your safety in our facilities. Preventing the spread of COVID-19 requires a global effort, and we all have a role to play. Here’s what Advanced Pain Consultants is doing to keep you — and our greater community — safe: As recommended by the CDC, Advanced Pain Consultants is asking patients to…
March 27, 2020: COVID–19 Notice for Patients
There is a lot of anxiety and confusion relating the current Covid-19 epidemic. At APC, we are following CDC guidelines for distancing, handwashing, healthcare personal preventive equipment and thorough disinfection. The gold standard for information and guidance is the CDC and the WHO. Containing and minimizing the viral outbreak is accomplished through isolation and minimizing contact. Patients and APC will operate on the following principles: Ongoing Management and Treatment Of Chronic Pain Patients We will continue to treat patients on a 28-30 day cycle through the use of office visits and if required through telemedicine If you have a fever,…
How to Protect Yourself
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